Does training really work? Yes – No – It Depends!

Spend a little time in the Way Back machine and recall a training session you attended and the amount of content that you retained and more importantly used.  According to Matt Bingham, a learning expert states that “cognitive science says that to actually learn something, the brain must build upon existing knowledge, flag it as “important” and reuse the…

Are you an “Accidental Trainer” equipped with tools and techniques to deliver GREAT training?

Oftentimes, people with experience and expertise are tapped to become trainers without formal delivery and/or facilitation skills training. Another common term is “Subject Matter Expert.”  Is this you or someone you know?   The good news is that you are knowledgeable and considered a “go to” person for answers. While others may rely on you…

Is Your Team Aligned with Your Objectives?

Teams today are often loosely identified as team members on the organization chart, that is if you have one.  In today’s environment, isolation, virtual work environment, lack of communication and direction impacts the workforce more than ever before.  Does this sound familiar or have you experienced something like this in the past? If the answer…

Welcome to Raising Your Bar in Work and Life:
Getting unstuck in the world of PIVOT points

Let’s Get Started… Do you find yourself stuck in the mud of knowing you need to change and “stinking thinkin” gets in the way and you’re left wondering – How do I move forward? My Journey In August of 2003, I declared myself as an independent contractor with expertise in the field of Talent Development…